This month, I’ll start where I left off. Getting traffic to that landing page so you can analyze the metrics to see if your idea does have significant interest. But, before we learn about metrics and traffic information we will spend time on the Facebook Ad itself.
How to Use a Landing Page to Validate Your Idea
A landing page is where you send prospects when you want to create awareness of your product or service and for them to show interest.
A Simple Way to Validate A Business Idea
Validation is when we present our business idea and a solution to our prospects to see if there are enough interested people to make the idea worth our effort.
Researching Your Audience’s Needs Is the Key to Create a Successful Offer
What audience will benefit from your skills, interests, and experiences?
Once you have that idea, you need to do research to find the audience that wants what you know and is interested in what you can offer them.
Passion – Is It the Only Way To Find a Business Idea?
There’s much advise that you must find your passion in order to start a business?
There’s a belief that only with passion can you create a business you love. That only if you have passion will you stick to working through the tough times and grow your business.
However, there’s a different view, that passion doesn’t come first, it follows success.