A strategy is a plan on how to win in the mission you’ve set out, whatever that may be. It is the formula to carry out your visions and goals successfully.
Brainstorming: A Technique for Finding New Ideas and Solving Problems
Brainstorming is a creative technique for developing ideas, products, services, and solving problems. Teams use this ideation method to encourage new ways of thinking and collectively generate solutions. It can be done as an individual or in a group.
How to Write a Mission Statement for Your Business
A good mission statement concisely defines your organization and the essence of your business. It provides a clear description of what you do, who you do it for, and why you do it. It includes your overall goal, what kind of product or service you provide, your primary customers or market, and your geographical area. And, most importantly, the value the company creates through its products and services.
Determination and Persistence: Crucial Qualities for Success
Determination is the desire to reach a goal. It is the mindset that defines what you want and how badly you want it.
Persistence is what drives you. It drives you to keep taking action to reach that goal, even when it gets hard.
Creativity: The Genius Exists In All of Us
Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas or utilize objects or information in novel ways. When you’re being creative, you can see the hidden patterns, make connections between things that aren’t normally related, and come up with new ideas.