As a new business entrepreneur, there are so many details to put together. Many of them are new and confusing. You may have doubts and a lot of questions. And you can’t make decisions or move forward without answers.
Miserable Working in Your Corporate Job – Why Don’t You Leave?
Do you hate your corporate job and want to leave? Do any of these describe you? Your job is only good for the paycheck You have bigger aspirations then can be fulfilled working for someone You’re tired of having to deal with the rules, regulations, and politics You want freedom and independence, and to […]
Are Obstacles Getting in the Way of Your Business?
Are there roadblocks stopping you from starting your business? Can you identify what they are? Many obstacles are caused by your perception or your limited outlook. Some are outside forces that are getting in your way. Regardless, you must deal with them to move on.
How to Build a Digital Marketing Plan
Have you thought: “My business is too small to need a written marketing plan?” Do you believe that running a few ads on Facebook and announcing your new business on social media is enough? The truth is, even a small business needs to have a formal plan.
Four Techniques to Help You Make Tough Decisions
We all make hundreds of decisions every day, all day. Most of them are easy. like what to eat for lunch, what to wear, whether to click on an email, or to call a friend How do you go about deciding on the big, important things? Important things like: Is your new business successful enough […]