Prosper means to thrive or succeed in any given goal or desired objective.
Prosperity occurs by keeping your goals, wants, and desires firmly in your view and directing all your thoughts, focus, energy, and action to them.
If you have sometime you want to accomplish, read on. There are a few steps that will open the way.
What is the future you want to see?
First, be very clear on who you are and the future you want to see. Ask yourself what you want most? This is your big and true desire. Be sincere with yourself and put it in writing. It can be any goal or intention, business or personal.
Here are some common goals. Yours may be similar or unique to you.
For business:
- Build a successful business
- Acquire enough money to have freedom and independence
- Have the ability to help others
- Enjoy the work you do and do it on your terms
For personal:
- Be part of something bigger you want to help create.
- Work on a skill, talent, or get additional education.
- Create a happy family or home setting
- Experience better health and travel more.
Then describe how you want to spend your days, where, how, and with who you want to work or spend time. What environment do you want to be in? Paint the picture as you see it. This will help you know how to proceed.
Define the actions you take and the outcome you seek
Second, write out your goals and be precise and detailed about your desired accomplishments. Formulate your plan with the actions you’ll take and the outcome you seek for each month. Is it a desired income by a certain date, or a number of new clients every week? A percentage of new people coming into a group that you support, or to reach a new specific level of mastery?
Prosperity is not an accident. It is the result of deliberate thoughts and actions.
Vision, focus and a plan is the key to being prosperous
Third, now with clarity on what success looks like, and your desired outcome, you can work on your mindset. Mindset is the key to get what you want. You create your advantage by staying focused on what matters to you.
Success is first created mentally and nothing is impossible to create. Imagine the way you want your success to manifest. Take action on what you envision. Keep the vision of the future you want firmly in your mind, because what you imagine becomes reality. Failure thinking results in failure. Negativity brings negative results.
But focus, vision, and action is unstoppable.
“Scattered thinking, scattered emotions, scattered actions lead to a scattering of your mind power.” The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
This is vital because without a vision or a plan, there is a void. You are at the mercy of any idea filling that void. When others try to tell you what you should be thinking, doing , or how to act – the void will be open to their suggestions. Instead, you have to build the mental picture of your wants, not what you think you should want, not what someone else thinks you should want.
Acting on behalf of other peoples ideas only leads to disappointment. Stop letting anything interfere with what you need to do.
Keep your eye on your target.
My fitness instructor always says to keep your goals in your head and send your energy and focus where you want to see results. By doing so, those muscles get extra attention and become stronger.
It’s the same with all goals. They need undivided attention.
Now, let’s be clear, this doesn’t take the place of action. But by holding the mental image of your desires in your mind, the path will unfold and the steps will be clear.
The words you tell yourself are powerful
Lastly, never underestimate the power of words, and the words you tell yourself when you visualize your goal. Thoughts and words are very powerful. The subconscious believes whatever you tell it and acts to make it a reality.
Even when you’ve done all the previous steps; you’re clear on the future you see. the goals you desire, the steps you’ll take to accomplish them, and the mental image of what you want, if you repeatedly tell yourself negative things like “this won’t happen for me”, or “it’s impossible” then you are acting contrary to the process of attaining prosperity.
If the results you’re looking for don’t happen immediately, don’t give up. The more attention you give to them, the greater the chance of the desired outcome. Continue with your positive self-talk and the images you desire, the mind will work to produce the results.
Prosperity is not unexpected, it is planned and the product of deliberate thought, action, and confidence.
The basic steps to prosperity are a deep desire, a plan for the results you want, the actions you need to take, visualizing the results you want, and positive self-talk. You can get what you want. Keep your focus and move forward with determination.
The Solo Entrepreneur’s Guide
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